About Monster on My Back

What’s the monster on my back? In the case of the writers here, it’s mental illness. In a given year, 18.5% of adults experience a mental illness, whether temporary or chronic. Conditions ranging from depression to bipolar disorder to PTSD are much more common than most people realize. And yet, misinformation about these conditions is rampant and those living through these conditions often deal with fear and stigma in society.

Monster on my Back was founded to spread awareness about mental illness, through stories, art, and personal experiences. Oftentimes, the personal truths are more telling than the clinical ones, and there’s a lot that everyone can learn about mental illness by listening to those living with it.

The Team

Brandon Gregory – Founder

Brandon Gregory is a web designer, web developer, and writer living in the Kansas City area. He reviews classic films and co-hosts a podcast on movies and mental health. He’s also a musician and plays with a few bands locally. He has Bipolar Disorder and has found great relief in medical treatment.